Let’s Hit the Friday Links!
The man above is showing the proper amount of enthusiasm for the Friday Links, and after combing through some things that for whatever reason didn't make it on to The Riley & Scot Show this week, you'll (hopefully) be sitting wherever you are with your arms above your head.
To the links:
I only drink cleverly named beer and/or wine.
Short of being a burglar, this is your best chance to check this place out.
As long as we're in the "pricey" category, too bad you missed the auction.
It's fun to say "Bardabunga," but you wouldn't want to be there right now.
Wow, you had to stand there a looooooong time, but it was worth it.
If you really want some movie memorabilia, bring money.
Let's go out on this one. If you don't smile at least once, well, you're probably dead.
Have a great weekend.
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