Two of the "worst" actors hail from Illinois: Denise Richards from Downers Grove and Chris Klein from Hinsdale, both making the list of Hollywood's not-so-greats.
Can you really determine what lake in the entire state of Wisconsin is the most beautiful? You've probably heard the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
As of now, there is no scientific evidence that a Bigfoot exists in Missouri, but there are literally thousands of reports of strange things happening in the woods. Did you know there a real Bigfoot search happening in Missouri in October being done by professionals that you can be a part of?
It's like a modern wasteland. There's one Illinois place that was just ranked as the 4th most abandoned in America where more than 1 out of every 4 buildings is vacant.
We may not be leading the nation right now in "outbound migration," but Illinois is still losing population to other states. These 3 take most of Illinois' departing residents.
If you've ever found yourself traveling on Route 43 about eight miles outside of Beloit near mile marker 6 and the Clinton exit, you've seen the Truck In The Tree.
I do not tell my wife what to do as that would not end well. However, there is a weird Missouri law that does tell women what to do and I'm pretty sure that most of the females I know in the state would not be pleased.
I've confessed before that I was born and raised in Missouri, so I'm not judging, but the word my home state searches for online is both hilarious and a real head-scratcher.
Professional sports are a billion (with a b) dollar industry so you need to have deep pockets and lots of cash to have any sort of ownership in a team.
If you were Kansas City Chief superstar Patrick Mahomes, where would you call home? Answer - anywhere you want. Patrick and his family have owned many properties in the Kansas City, Missouri area, but there's one place that is his main home before gameday.