Booze-Free Illinois Town Votes On Ending A 90 Year Liquor Ban
Booze-Free Illinois Town Votes On Ending A 90 Year Liquor Ban
Booze-Free Illinois Town Votes On Ending A 90 Year Liquor Ban
We don't have dry counties in Illinois anymore, even though a few states still do. What we have is a dry village in Vermillion County that's looking to change a law that's been in place for nearly 100 years, and finally allow sales of alcohol. Voters are going to the polls to decide one way or the other.
Taking A Selfie While Voting In Illinois: Legal Or Not?
Taking A Selfie While Voting In Illinois: Legal Or Not?
Taking A Selfie While Voting In Illinois: Legal Or Not?
I guess it's one of those questions that many people have never even thought about. The majority of people heading to voting booths here in Illinois and around the country will probably never even think about pulling out their phones to take a shot of themselves and their vote, but for the people who's what you really need to know about the legality of a "ballot selfie."

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