The Great American Cleanup is this Saturday
The good news/bad news scenario plays out every spring. The good news is that the snow all melts away. The bad news is all the trash, garbage, and litter that was hidden by the snow is now on full display. This Saturday, you can help Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful clean up the mess in Boone and Winnebago counties by joining the Great American Cleanup.
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful has been recognized by Keep America Beautiful for continuously organizing a local Great American Cleanup since 1988, usually the last Saturday in April. And this year is no exception.
The best part (other than getting all that trash picked up) is it will only take a few hours of your time. The event runs from 9am-Noon, this Saturday, with same-day registration 8am-9am at Patriots’ Gateway Center, 615 S. 5th St., Rockford.
The details, courtesy of Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful's website:
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful and Winnebago County Public Works make safety equipment, trash pickup bags and water available for volunteers. Once the bag is full, leave it curbside for later pickup by cooperating trash haulers including Rock River Environmental Services. Litter pick-up hours are all morning; return equipment by Noon to same location where it was borrowed.
For more info, visit KNIB.org, or Call Frank, at 815-637-1343.
Our friend, Matt Rodewald from Channel 17's Eyewitness News filed this report on the cleanup a couple years back:
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