matt rodewald

Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
The good news/bad news scenario plays out every spring. The good news is that the snow all melts away. The bad news is all the trash, garbage, and litter that was hidden by the snow is now on full display. This Saturday, you can help Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful clean up the mess in Boone and Winnebago counties by joining the Great American Cleanup.
Face For Radio: Scot Joins Eyewitness News Morning Show
Face For Radio: Scot Joins Eyewitness News Morning Show
Face For Radio: Scot Joins Eyewitness News Morning Show
If it's Monday it mean I need to shave and I have to wear pants. Why? Because it's TV Day, when I get to join our friends at Eyewitness News! Starting out on WTVO, we found out it's Matt Rodewald's birthday. In his honor we discussed some of the advice handed out by the oldest living woman in the world...