Not one, but two meteor showers that have the potential to be really spectacular are going to be highlighting the skies over Illinois for almost the entire month of December, and we'll get pretty good looks at Venus and Saturn, too.
With a record number of people planning to hit the road over Thanksgiving, you're going to have plenty of company as you travel over the river and through the woods to...well...wherever you're going. Here are the best and worst times to back out of your driveway and get started.
If you have pets, then you already know how hard it is to keep them away from the mountains of food that are part of the Thanksgiving holiday. You probably also know that many of the the things we humans love about the Thanksgiving Day table aren't very good for your dog or cat to consume. Let's take a look a what foods are.
If you decided you wanted to shake the hand of every living veteran in the state of Illinois on Monday, Veterans Day 2024, how many hands do you think you'd be shaking?
With clear skies at night over the next 3 to 5 days, we should be able to catch the streaks through the skies of the Taurid Meteor Showers here in Northern Illinois.
With Halloween arriving tomorrow, costumes have been purchased or made, candy has been gathered, decorations are up, and the trick-or-treaters are ready to hit the streets, However, there are laws and regulations about hours and times that go along with the Halloween festivities---but does Illinois have an age limit for those going door-to-door looking for treats?
If you've been an Illinois resident for any length of time, I'm sure you realize that our state's leaders have never met a tax they didn't like or want to impose upon citizens. That would include a strange bit of logic when it comes to the taxability of Halloween candy.
We're just a little over 10 days away from Halloween 2024, so we thought it might be smart to look at the long-range weather forecast to see what kind of conditions trick-or-treaters (and the parents who go with them) are going to be dealing with. Will costumes this year be covered with a coat? Will you have to shovel your walk for the candy-grabbing hordes?