I have no problem admitting that I love my smartphone. I love my tablet, too. I love the instant access to family, friends and information. Of course, part of loving these types of tech is the amount of time one spends with said devices in hand (or at least on your mind). It requires a comittment.

With that in mind, a headline I saw this morning on the Daily Mail's website puts a finer point on our relationship with tech:

Giving up technology is as 'stressful as getting married' - and Thursday is the hardest day to go without gadgets.
This new research puts it in pretty stark terms. 53% of gadget owners worldwide find themselves suffering anxiety if they can't use their phones, and would consider a "no gadgets" period to be some sort of "tech detox" that they would find as stressful as getting married or going to the dentist. Wait, there's more:
  • Study finds half of people feel anxious when they can’t use their phone
  • A fifth said they’d only give up their tech if someone paid them $500 (£300) 
  • 45 per cent said they use their phones at least once an hour
  • While two thirds admitted they couldn’t go a day without their gadgets
  • More than 80 per cent said they believe technology addiction exists
  • And 71 per cent said they knew someone who may be addicted

I've got to think there's an app out there somewhere that can help.

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