Help Unemployed Bartenders With Virtual Tip Jar
Miller Lite beer is throwing a million dollars into the virtual tip jar to get things started. Rockford area bartenders would love to know that you're thinking of them, too.
The donation was made to the USBG (United States Bartenders Guild) National Charity Foundation’s Bartender Emergency Assistance program. The organization set up a “Virtual Tip Jar” to help bartenders not working after bars and restaurants closed (except for carryout or delivery) in an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
We are raising funds for our COVID-19 Relief Campaign in order to bolster our Bartender Emergency Assistance Program for the influx of applications we know is coming. We are here to help those in our industry most in need, and we ask you to "help us serve those who serve us".
With the turmoil and uncertainty created but the spreading COVID-19 virus, the service industry, and the beverage industry in particular, is being hit hard. The closure of bars, restaurants, and venues means that these vital members of our community are no longer able to earn wages and take home tips. It is imperative that we as an inclusive, amazing, extended beverage industry community, make sure that our bartenders can go back to serving drinks once all of this is over.
If you or someone you know is a part of the beverage industry and is in need of financial assistance, please apply for an aid grant here: www.usbgfoundation.org/beap
Jameson® Irish Whiskey is committing to give a 1:1 dollar match for every donation made to the USBG Foundation's COVID-19 relief campaign from March 16-31, 2020 up to a maximum of $100,000.
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