Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens is Looking for Volunteers for “Bruce Munro–Light”
Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens will be seen in a whole new light this summer and fall, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to help out and be a part of this spectacular, new, garden-wide art installation.
Our good friend Laura Gibbs-Green of the Rockford Park District joins the WROK Morning Show every Friday morning to tell you all about what the Rockford Park District has going on as we head into the weekend. Last Friday, Laura told us about "Bruce Munro--Light," which is coming to Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens from June 3rd through November 5th. This promises to be one of the most stunning and creative exhibits Rockford has ever seen.
The best part is that you can be a part of it. Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens is looking for a big volunteer effort to put it all together. Installation of the exhibit will take roughly four to six weeks. Throughout the installation and during the exhibit, Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens will need hundreds of volunteers to not only help create the sculptures, but to give tours, too.
Here's what they need:
Light Docent - Be an essential part of the exhibition by helping visitors understand the artist’s message
• Three-hour shifts: 5:00 to 8:00 pm / 8:00 to 11:00 pm, June 2 to November 5, 2017
• Volunteers must be age 16 or older
Light Host – Provide general support to Conservatory staff during open evenings by welcoming visitors, distributing guides, offering directions, and more.
• Three-hour shifts: 5:00 to 8:00 pm / 8:00 to 11:00 pm, June 2 to November 5, 2017
• Hosts will be positioned at various stations throughout the Conservatory grounds
• Volunteers must be age 16 or older
Light Tech Team - Work alongside the Bruce Munro installation team and Nicholas Conservatory exhibit technicians to help create Bruce Munro’s exhibit in the gardens, as well as perform ongoing exhibit maintenance.
• Pre-/post-/ongoing exhibit installation upkeep
• Pre-exhibit set-up beginning early May 2017, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm / 1:00 to 4:00 pm
• Each volunteer is asked to commit to a minimum of three shifts, Monday through Friday
• Ongoing exhibit maintenance June 3 to November 5, 2017 (daily)
• Post-exhibit tear-down November 6 to mid-November 2017, times TBD (Monday through Friday)
• Volunteers must be age 16 or older
Flash Light - Behind the scenes helping hands supporting Nicholas Conservatory staff with preparations for the upcoming evening’s volunteers and exhibit.
• One volunteer needed 2- to 3-hour shift (daily)
• Volunteers must be age 16 or older
All volunteers will be invited to attend a Bruce Munro “thank-you” reception in January, 2018. Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens also has a volunteer incentive program in place based on volunteer hours.
• 1st shift commitment: Receive a Bruce Munro/Nicholas Conservatory volunteer t-shirt and water bottle
• 3 or more completed shifts (9 hours): Receive four one-day admission tickets to Nicholas Conservatory
• Five or more completed shifts (15 hours): “Find Your Fun:” Choose four one-use tickets from a variety of Rockford Park District locations!
• 10 or more completed shifts (30 hours): You and a guest enjoy a moonlight cruise on the Forest City Queen
• 18 or more completed shifts: A complimentary NCG individual one-year membership
Here's a look at some of Bruce Munro's incredible work:
Call Joy at 815-969-6036 to request a volunteer packet.
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