Folks in Bunol, Spain get together every year and throw 30,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other in an event they call "La Tomatina." Well, we have tomatoes here, too.
Last week in this space I posted a piece called "You Probably Didn't Know These Things are Against the Law in Illinois." To be honest, I thought that would be the end of it. I mean, how many bizarro-world laws can one state have? Turns out, thanks to some research by alert listener Mike, we've got more. Plenty more.
Here in Rockford, we've shown ourselves to be very open-minded when it comes to trying out sports and/or games that are popular in other countries, but do we have enough hearty, adventurous souls around here to take on the very British Cheese Rolling Race? I think we do, although at this point in my life, I'm not one.
As a guy who spends an inordinate amount of time searching for cool and interesting things about our state (so I can post them here to share with you), I was delighted to get an email that highlights a few things that you can only come across here in the Land of Lincoln.
When I was a kid, like most every kid, I had questions. Lots and lots of them. My parents would do their level best to answer most of them, but sometimes, when they a) didn't know the answer, or b) they were tired of the barrage of questions, I was told to "go look it up." Since this time-period was before the advent of the internet, that meant going to the library. Today, as a parent, I
I don't want to be one of those bitter, old, "back-in-my-day-everything-was-better-than-it-is-now" kind of guys, seems that there used to be a lot more creativity in Halloween treats than we have today.