Meyer’s Farm Is Hosting A Dogs Day Out This Weekend
Treat your dog this weekend with a special day at Meyer's Tails Up Farm.
Look how much your dog does for you. He (all dogs are boys in this blog) greets you at the door, guards the house, and is an overall great companion. Take him on a mini-vacation this Saturday.
This Saturday, June 10th, from 1-4PM Meyer's will be hosting their Dogs Day Out in Belvidere.
Owners and dogs can learn about behavior techniques, tricks, rally, canine aquatics, canine therapy and K9 nose work. This event is free to the public! This is an awesome way to have fun with your dog while keeping them happy and healthy.
Meyer's Tails Up Farm is located in Belvidere at 5390 Irene Road. They're dog experts and really great people. Get out and enjoy the weekend.