Kris Bryant Pulls The Old ‘Fake Pizza Guy’ Routine
Kris Bryant already has a MVP award, now it looks like he's eyeing an Oscar.
I'll openly admit that I'm a sucker for these videos. They all started (at least with athletes, Johnny Knoxville was doing these stunts on Jackass for awhile before this) with Kyrie Irvin and the Pepsi Max "Uncle Drew" commercials.
That one was awesome.
You might remember that Kris Bryant was the victim of one of these pranks last year when Greg Maddux pretended to be a grounds crew guy that was all of a sudden painting corners during batting practice.
This time it's Bryant who puts on the makeup to fool fantasy baseball players as a pizza delivery guy. I'm always a little suspect on the legitimacy of these videos, they seem to be a little too perfect, but I'm buying this one hook, line, and sinker.
Just another great guy on an excellent Cubs team. Can't wait for another World Series parade this fall.
P.S. Quick reminder that you can catch every Chicago Cubs regular and post season game right here on 1440 WROK.