Illinois Event Showing Parents How to Identify and Help Kids with Anxiety
If your child seems really stressed out lately and you're not sure if it's a temporary thing or something much more serious, consider this free supportive event.
Do you know the warning signs of a child with anxiety?
Are you seeing your child struggle way beyond what you would consider to be normal?
Is it too much homework and extra curricular activities that has your child feeling exhausted?
Are they withdrawing from family interaction so much that you've forgotten what that face you love so much looks like?
It may be very difficult to notice the difference between them just having a couple bad days or if they are struggling with anxiety.
Experts say there are a few big signs that anxiety is the problem.
If the daily/weekly issues that your child struggles with are now becoming overwhelming and unmanageable and these struggles start appearing unexpectedly, ANXIETY is now becoming a problem.
The Rosecrance Ware Center is hosting a free, one-hour event to help you get on the right path to helping your child.
The Epidemic of Anxiety Among Students
On Tuesday, January 25th at Belvidere North High School (9393 Beloit Rd.) from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. you'll learn how to recognize anxiety warning signs, provide support and some ways to improve your child's overall wellbeing.
According to Rosecrance Ware Center, you'll leave the event with tons of very useful information on:
- Recognizing warning signs of anxiety
- Coping strategies for anxiety
- Grounding techniques to help teens cope with anxiety
- Implementing mindfulness skills
- Supporting mental health wellbeing
- Finding treatment and crisis resources
A new Illinois law allows public school students to have five excused mental health absences each school year. Students won't be required to provide a doctor’s note under the new law, and will also be allowed to make up any work missed from that day off.
My wife (who is a licensed professional counselor) and I came up with 6 ways students could use those days off.
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