Here’s the Latest on Rockford’s Snow Sculpting Competition
Every Friday morning at around 7:25, we spend a few minutes with our good friend Laura Gibbs-Green of the Rockford Park District, as she fills us in on all the cool events and activities lined up for you and your family. This morning, we discussed the recently postponed Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition. In particular, what happens next.
Bottom line: The Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition was supposed to be going on right now, but due to the warm temperatures, it's been re-scheduled to begin next Wednesday, running through Saturday. Assuming, or course, that the temperatures are cooperative.
From Illinois Snow Sculpting:
The Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition is a free, family-friendly community winter event hosted by the Rockford Park District. The event brings teams from around the state to Rockford to compete for the right to represent Illinois in the U.S. Nationals Snow Sculpting Competition; there is also a high school division. Typically, more than 30,000 attend the Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition to admire the massive works of snow art. Over the years, the event was postponed or canceled several times due to the lack of snow. Earlier this week, 27 blocks of snow were set at various spots throughout Sinnissippi Park. Tarps will be placed over the current blocks of snow in an effort to try to slow down any potential melting.
Laura Gibbs-Green told us this morning that the Park District will be keeping a close eye on things leading up to next week's scheduled start of the competition, with high hopes of some atmospheric cooperation on this.
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