Over the years, Mother Nature has caused a problem or two for the annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition because it's been too warm, or we haven't gotten enough snow. That is certainly not the problem for this year's get-together at Sinnissippi Park.
If you're going on a trip through the midwest, it's probably a good idea to make a stop in Rockford to see what is being called one of the best roadside attractions in the United States.
If you found yourself with a little bit of cabin fever around the holidays and decided to head out and look at the light show known as the Festival of Lights going on at Sinnissippi Park, you probably noticed that you were not alone.
It's back, and this time it looks like Mother Nature is going to cooperate. The 32nd Annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition returns to Sinnissippi Park this Wednesday through Saturday.
Mother Nature did force a postponement of the Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition at Sinnissippi Park, but she didn't force a cancellation, as teams got together (albeit a week later) and got to work last week making works of art out of blocks of snow. In case you couldn't attend, or were unaware how it turned out, let's take a look at who got the votes.
Every Friday morning at around 7:25, we spend a few minutes with our good friend Laura Gibbs-Green of the Rockford Park District, as she fills us in on all the cool events and activities lined up for you and your family. This morning, we discussed the recently postponed Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition. In particular, what happens next.
Sure, you could be like almost everyone else in Rockford and just shovel snow. Or, you could get your team together, skip the shoveling and get to the sculpting in the 31st Annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition scheduled for January 18-21, 2017 at Sinnissippi Park.