Help Crimestoppers Attack Crime
Crime Stoppers is working with the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department to secure the needed $76,000 for one additional K9 Officer.
But, they need your help.
Everyone is concerned about crime in the area and what can be done to fight it, according to Board Chairperson Arles Hendershott. Police Dogs have become a necessary tool for any agency faced with the growing epidemic of narcotics, because they can be used to detect narcotics during traffic stops, narcotics raids, school searches, etc. Crime Stoppers’ mission is to help area law enforcement agencies, and according to Hendershott, the greatest help Crime Stoppers can provide to the Sheriff’s Department is help securing the needed funds for this project.
But in order to do this we need everyone to step up, dig deep and help by donating.
A special GO FUND ME website has been established at:, or people can go to: and click on the “Attack Crime” link to make a donation.
Sheriff Gary Caruana says, “The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department is proud to partner with CrimeStoppers in an effort to raise funds for expansion of our K9 Unit, which will be used to enhance our narcotic enforcement efforts and assist the newly formed Tac-Unit. As Sheriff, I believe our valued partnership with CrimeStoppers is critical in our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Winnebago County. “
Several area businesses are partnering with Crime Stoppers in this effort including:
- Lamar Advertising Visible Outdoor Signs
- Rockford Register Star
- Comcast Cable
- Rockford Chamber of Commerce
- MS2/Meridian
- 1440 WROK
- Blair Inc. Strategic Marketing Communications
- KMK Media Group
Rockford Area CRIME STOPPERS was founded in 1981, as a cooperative effort by Winnebago County citizens, civic leaders, the media and law enforcement officials to help reduce crime.
Crime Stoppers offers cash rewards up to $1000 to individuals who call with information that helps law enforcement agencies identify criminal activity, solve crimes, recover stolen property or apprehend fugitives. No tax dollars are ever used for Crime Stoppers rewards. The organization is funded through private donations.
(For more information, please contact Patty Konstant at 815-319-6069 )