Drive Safe & Sober Labor Day Weekend or…
Well, to be honest here, you should drive safe and sober all year round, not just when area police agencies will be out in force. However, we're talking about the upcoming holiday weekend right now.
From the City of Rockford Police Department:
The Rockford Police Department will be joining other law enforcement agencies
throughout Illinois and the nation with step patrols as part of the Drive Sober or Get
Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaign over the Labor Day Holiday season.
These increased patrols will take place between August 24th and September 7th and
will consist of DUI Saturation Patrols and Seat Belt Enforcement Details.In 2013, there were 10,076 people killed in drunk driving crashes in the U.S. 38
percent of the fatal accident that occurred over the Labor Day weekend that year
involved drunk drivers (with blood alcohol concentrations [BACs] of .08 or higher),
amounting to 161 lives lost. The reality is, people aren’t invincible. Of the 10,076
people who were killed in impaired driving crashes in 2013, 65 percent were the
drunk drivers themselves. Those 6,515 drunk drivers planned on making it to their
destinations, but they didn’t.Enjoy the last holiday weekend for the summer by not drinking and driving, using a
designated driver, or calling a cab and remember to wear your seatbelt.
When you consider the cost of a DUI here in Illinois could run you up to $20,000, it's a pretty easy choice to make.
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