Can We Get One of These at the Chicago-Rockford International Airport?
In 1985, I was lucky enough to be part of a group of media people who got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We were invited to fly on the supersonic British Airways Concorde from New York City to Rockford as part of a promotion for future charter flights from RFD.
Unfortunately, those future charter flights never materialized, but the experience is something I've always treasured. To get a chance to partake of something that is ordinarily reserved for the rich and famous (I'm neither) is something I'll always be grateful for.
Which brings me to this guy. Casey Neistat is somewhat of a YouTube sensation, with over 4 million subscribers, and videos that are routinely viewed by millions more. And, like me, he got a stunning perk, or upgrade.
I thought flying the Concorde into Rockford was the greatest thing ever, but after checking out Casey's experience on Emirates Airlines First Class, I'm thinking that another media adventure at the Chicago-Rockford International Airport (Fly RFD) would be just the thing. I'm a realist at heart, though. I kind of figure that this is about as close as I'm ever going to get: