Beloit Woman Works 90 Hours a Week to Provide For Her Family
Being a Mom is hard work no matter which way you put it. Not only do you have to keep your kids safe, clothed, and fed, but you have the constant worry about raising them into happy, responsible adults. That alone is a lot of pressure for any parent, but factor in those responsibilities along with a 90-hour workweek and a constant fight for sobriety, and you have a parent with superhero strength. You have, in fact, this week's Hometown Hero; Sarah Morgan of Beloit, Wisconsin.
Here is the nomination letter we received from Casey Burge that totally speaks for itself on what makes Sarah, an employee at Alden Nursing Home in Rockford, a true Hometown Hero;
She is a mother of three who works almost 90 hours a week to provide for her children and a recovering addict fiancé and does so without any complaint she really deserves this. She is in recovery also with over a year clean I am so proud of her and she should be proud of herself.
I think it's safe to say that with all the time Sarah puts in each week caring for others, she more than deserves an excuse to do something for herself. That is exactly why we are giving Sarah a $100 Amazon gift card thanks to our friends at Gustafson's Furniture and Mattress. Sarah, is there something sitting in your Amazon cart right now that will bring a smile to your face or help you relax? Please use the gift card to splurge on YOU for once!
How to Nominate a Hometown Hero
We always say Hometown Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and areas. They can be first responders, teachers, or just people that inspire you to do and be better, people just like Sarah. If you know someone that fits that bill, please tell us their story, here.
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