Planets, solar eclipse, space crafts, oh my! This is when you want to look to the skies this year.

I've always dreamed of being an astronaut. There is something so magical and mysterious about the great unknown in the sky.

Meteor shower in night sky illustration
pixbox77, ThinkStock

This past September, I sat out with some of my nieces and nephews to watch the Super Blood Moon. I loved teaching them all about why the moon was turning red, watching the awe on their face when they could see it and making memories they will remember forever.

I can't wait to do that again this year and my first treat in the sky will be tomorrow! I found a super handy list from ABC7:

1. Five planets seen together, late January

Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will be in the early morning sky together starting around January 20 until about February 20. The best viewing will be 90-75 minutes before sunrise looking south.

2. Total solar eclipse, March 9

The only total solar eclipse is in the middle of the night. If you are willing to wake up to watch it, wake up early March 9th.

3. Mercury puts on a show, May 9

For the first time in 10 years, Mercury will be passing in front of the sun. This is the biggest celestial event in 2016 according to National Geographic. You will need a telescope to catch this one.

4. NASA spacecraft to fly by Jupiter, July 4 (scheduled)

The Juno spacecraft which is capturing images of Pluto was launched in 2011. On July 4th, it will pass close enough to capture Pluto's swirling clouds.

5. Perseid Meteor Shower, August

The peak of the Perseid Meteor shower will be around August 12th, where you can see 50 to 100 meteors per hour.

6. Best supermoon, Nov. 14

Supermoons occur when the Earth and moon are close together at a full moon. The closest full moon will be Nov. 14.

I can't wait to look towards the sky! I've made sure to bookmark this blog so that I can mark everything on my calendar. Enjoy sky watching my friends!

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