Maybe you've got Olympic fever, maybe you don't. But, even if you couldn't care less about the Beijing Winter Olympics, admit it--you'd like to try curling.

Why? Because it's one of the very few Olympic sports that seem like just about anyone could do it.

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Archival image. Saint Moritz, Switzwerland
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I'm Not Going To Ski Down A Steep Mountain With My Hair On Fire, Or Speed Around A Rink At 40mph, But I Think I Could Do Sliding And Sweeping With Some Rocks

I mean, look at the guys in the photo above. The dude on the right looks to be old enough to remember when rocks were invented, and the guy on the right is smoking a pipe and wearing a kilt, all while considering how much haggis he's going to eat after the match.

Curling has been around since it was invented in Scotland, somewhere around the year 1500, but it wasn't until 1838 that the first curling club, the Grand Caledonian Curling Club, was established. Curling gained more and more popularity during the 19th century.

A pair of sweeper lead a red curling stone down the ice
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Now That You're Totally Convinced That The Curling Life Is Calling You, Where Can You Go In Northern Illinois?

Trying to find a curling club is just a bit more work intensive that finding a pick-up basketball game or bar-shuffleboard league, but with the help of some Google searches, I did find some places that may be able to help:

The 7 Best Places to Go Downhill Skiing or Snowboarding in Wisconsin

LOOK: 20 Fascinating Photos From the First Modern Olympic Games in 1896

To celebrate the history of international sports cooperation, Stacker took a look back at that groundbreaking event in Athens, when the modern Olympics were born in 1896. Keep reading to learn more about the athletes, spectators, and sports at that iconic event.

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