
Watch Your Step Near Rock River
Watch Your Step Near Rock River
Watch Your Step Near Rock River
My mother-in-law lives in Arizona, and she would frequently regale us with stories of the myriad of creepy-crawlies and deadly creatures that share her part of the world. I've heard tales of scorpions in shoes ("Just shake the shoe before you put it on, no big deal"), black widow spiders lurking in cabinets and closets, and diamondback rattlesnakes all over the place...
Meet the Evel Knievel of Spiders
Meet the Evel Knievel of Spiders
Meet the Evel Knievel of Spiders
I live in a home full of spider...haters. Seriously, arachnophobia is an issue for at least two of the three people I live with. My daughter can have her ear-buds blasting away with her favorite music, oblivious to everyone and everything, and all someone would have to do is whisper "Is that a spider...
What’s Worse, Spider or Gas Fire?
What’s Worse, Spider or Gas Fire?
What’s Worse, Spider or Gas Fire?
If you answered "gas fire," ding-ding-ding, you're the winner! The non-winner of this question is the guy in Center Line, Michigan, who, upon finding a spider in the gas door of his car, decided to set the spider on fire with his lighter. Problem was, he was pumping gas at the exact same time...
Watch a Spider Burst Out of a Banana
Watch a Spider Burst Out of a Banana
Watch a Spider Burst Out of a Banana
As Scot and I have often pointed out: We are the media, and it's our job to scare you. So, let's get right to it. A few weeks ago, we talked about a woman having an unfortunate experience with a black widow spider and some grapes... From The Washington Post: The family of a Vermont woman says she suffered a bite from a black widow spider, which they believe was hiding in a bag of grapes... Read Mo
Spider Photobombs Newscaster
Spider Photobombs Newscaster
Spider Photobombs Newscaster
I've often thought the most dangerous place to be in my home is anywhere near my daughter Molly should there happen to be a spider near by. The spider could have enough venom to kill a dozen men and a circus elephant, yet you'd still wind up being trampled to death by my retreating offspring...