It seems to me that people take their grocery stores way too seriously. On one hand, I understand that where you get your food is a vital choice. But, the customer service complains sometimes get out of hand. That's why one grocery store being voted the most popular in America is a big deal and they happen to have 23 locations in Illinois.
Before I began this radio adventure more than 40 years ago, I worked in a Missouri retail store. You would not believe the crazy things I saw stolen back in those days and the same can be said about the most stolen stuff from Missouri grocery stores these days. It's mind-blowing how low some folks will go to get something for nothing.
It's not exactly breaking news when a new grocery store opens in Illinois. But, there's a new one that just opened in the Land of Lincoln in a very unique place that got my attention and maybe it will seem peculiar to you also.
If you've bought groceries recently, you know that the price of food continues to go up. That's true of all grocery stores as their costs go up also. But, there are 33 grocery locations in Illinois that were just called out as being much more expensive than the others. As a matter of fact, they're ranked among the most overpriced in America.
I had completely forgotten about this, but starting in July everyone that shops in Illinois will get reminded of the tax relief that we've been enjoying for the past year when it comes to gas and groceries because it's about to end.