
Baby Makes Clever Escape
Baby Makes Clever Escape
Baby Makes Clever Escape
I was told by my parents that I was, as a small child, quite the attempted-escape artist. The "attempted" part was added because I really wasn't very good at it. Tried to go over the rail in my crib. Failed, because of something called "gravity...
3 Month Old Baby Loves Dad, and Says So
3 Month Old Baby Loves Dad, and Says So
3 Month Old Baby Loves Dad, and Says So
Meet 3 month old Ben. He really, really loves his dad, or he's quite the gifted mimic. I'm guessing it's both. Luckily, mom had the camera going, or we might have missed his declaration. I figure if he's saying "I love you" at 3 months, he'll be spouting Shakespeare's soliloquies by the time he's in 1st grade...
Pure Joy as Baby Girl Sees Clearly with Glasses
Pure Joy as Baby Girl Sees Clearly with Glasses
Pure Joy as Baby Girl Sees Clearly with Glasses
There's just something special about a baby's smile. As a parent myself, I know that even the slightest of smiles from your little one is enough to burn away the stress of the day. This video shows little Piper, who, at first, does not appear to welcome the idea of wearing her new glasses...
Take One Minute to Enjoy This Baby’s First Crawl
Take One Minute to Enjoy This Baby’s First Crawl
Take One Minute to Enjoy This Baby’s First Crawl
I thought today would be a perfect day for this one. Scot is taking a few days off from The Riley & Scot Show because he and his wife Robin are about to become parents for the second time. We wish them all the best. And, yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of our adoption of Lucy the Weimaraner. Babi...
Babies in Need
Babies in Need
Babies in Need
Scot and I had a real eye-opening conversation this morning with Joanne Samuel Goldblum, executive director of the National Diaper Bank network, regarding the struggles so many families go through simply to put their babies in diapers. Some of her surprising revelations: Food Stamps cannot be used to buy diapers 1 out of every 3 families struggle to buy diapers Many parents have to choose between