Scot Talks Tax Hike With Eyewitness News [VIDEO]
In case you were not aware, part of my Monday mornings are spent chatting with our friends at Eyewitness News. It's always a pleasure to talk with Matt, Candice, and Evelyn though I must admit I can't tell if the feeling is mutual because I never can see their faces. For all I know it's a bunch of eye-rolling, strange faces, and obscene gestures.
Kidding, kidding...
Anyway, this morning we had a chance to discuss House Speaker Mike Madigan's plan for a "millionaire's tax," though as I point out it's really a tax hike on all Illinois residents. And today we also find out that despite launching this bit of class warfare, Madigan has no plans to release his own tax returns. Who knows, perhaps the $1 million figure was chosen to be just above his income threshold so he could avoid paying more?
As a point of clarification in the video, when I said the tax hike was "savvy" I meant it was a politically savvy move by Mike Madigan to introduce it at this time. You don't become Speaker of the House and hold that power for nearly all of the past thirty years being a dumb man. In a year where multi-millionaire Bruce Rauner is the GOP nominee for Governor this kind of measure will get the media's attention. Rauner, by the way, has released his own tax returns.
Here's the video: