Rockford Restaurant Will Undergo A $2.5 Million Renovation
Hopefully a multi-million dollar renovation will return this place to its former glory.
Cliffbreakers has had its fair share of troubles over the past few years. They were on the verge of getting $3 million in federal funding last year before a deadly shooting last January put a halt to that.
WREX - In a news release sent Tuesday morning, RockRiver Bridget Hotel, LLC announced that the $2.5 million renovation work began on June 1. They expect the renovations to be complete by the end of February 2018.
New carpet, lighting, outdoor deck and a new bar are all part of the renovation.
This used to be a great place. Can't wait to see what they can do with a couple of million dollars. If they do it right it will be a destination spot like it was a decade ago.