Nicholas Conservatory Is Hosting A Youth Art Exhibit
Andrea from made her weekly visit to the show to let us know what's happening around town. is a wonderful source for everything that's happening around town. One of the highlights from Andrea's visit today was the youth art exhibit that is happening daily at Nicholas Conservatory.
From their website:
SPARK! 2020 Youth and Teen Arts Apprentices worked outside in the beautiful gardens of the Nicholas Conservatory. The summer art theme was Social Justice Artwork and Digital Journalism skill-building. Youth interviewed and filmed community members, created stop-motion animation videos, and painted a mural banner series. This unique art exhibit will run through the end of October.
The gallery is open every day from 11 AM-3 PM and is free to walk through at all times.
Weather will be brisk the next couple of days, perfect weather to walk through the garden.
Be sure to check out for everything else going on around town like how to help decorate the downtown for Stroll on State. It's all right there.