Midway Village Highlights History’s Troublemakers
Mischief and bad manners have been a part of humanity since we first learned to walk.
The second History Explorers special event of the summer is set from 10 AM to 3 PM Saturday, July 7, at Midway Village Museum. While the Victorians were known for their strict rules and behaviors in society, many still found ways to rebel. Explore the rules of etiquette and some of the more fun breaches of protocol through pranks, games, and secret messages.
Admission is $8 adult, $6 child (ages 3-17). Infants and Museum Members are free. You can purchase admission tickets in advance at the Museum Gift Store or online here. When you purchase tickets online, admission tickets are emailed to you. You may also purchase tickets at the gate. All special activities and admission to the Main Museum Center and Victorian Village are included in the ticket price! In case of rain, all activities will still occur indoors.
For questions, please call 815-397-9112.
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