Iowa Man Rewarded For Eating Same Breakfast For 67 Straight Years
Whether you're a breakfast eater or not, there's something to be said for those who find something they like to eat and then stick with it for almost 7 decades.
If you just thought to yourself "Yeah, two things could be said about those people: boring and not very creative," you may be right. Kind of mean, but possibly right.
I've Eaten The Same Thing For Breakfast For About 10 Years Now, Which As You Can Probably Guess, Is Far From The Record
I've hopped around from oatmeal to granola bars to finally settling on a mixture of almonds, peanuts, and pistachio nuts (click here to see the actual product) about a decade back. I have no idea why, but I've yet to become tired of having that every weekday morning.
But that's only 10 years. An Iowa man hit that mark 57 years ago, and not with a handful of nuts.
Clarence Frett, Who Lives About 3 Hours From Here In Marion, Iowa Is A Wheaties Guy
Clarence is so into Wheaties that he started pouring them into his bowl back in World War II when he served in the U.S. Coast Guard, and he's still doing it today---at age 100.
“I dump a bowl of Wheaties and put a little sugar in it and put a little milk in it,” Frett said. “That’s my breakfast I don’t eat much more than that.”
Wheaties is 100 years old. Clarence will turn 100 next month. Clarence’s daughter Renee sent an email to General Mills to see if she could get her dad’s face on a Wheaties box, just like the greatest of all time.
And General Mills loved the idea.
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