If you remember, a few months back there were reports from all over Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin about a black bear that was working its way through the area.

There were the usual warnings about not approaching, feeding, or generally annoying the bear, but overall no one was particularly worried that they might find themselves being turned into bear scat.

That's the major difference between the Midwest and Tennessee (other than the accents). Tennessee has a predator wandering around that definitely has the populace worried that they could become a meal.

That's because their predator is a tiger. Bears are omnivores. Tigers...pretty much eat meat. All types of it. Four feet, two feet, whatever.

Tennessee authorities in Knox County are currently engaging in a massive search after a tiger was spotted roaming in the wilderness outside Knoxville.

Here's the BOLO (Be On The Lookout) from the Knox County Sheriff's Department:

For Immediate Release: Tiger spotted

Contact: Kimberly Glenn, Communications Director

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Units, Animal Control, Air Watch, TWRA, KPD’s Animal Control Unit and Representatives with Tiger Haven are working to locate a tiger that was spotted by a KCSO Deputy in the Forks of the River Industrial Park tonight.

There has been no other sightings at this hour. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. If anyone has any information on a missing Tiger or locates the Tiger, please contact the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.

According to a spokesperson for Zoo Knoxville, All their tigers are accounted for, as are the tigers at Tiger Haven in Kingston. That seems to indicate that someone's privately-owned tiger has hopped the backyard fence.

As of 10:00 this morning, the search was continuing--but there's been no sign of the wandering apex predator.

I don't want to speak for you, but my preference, assuming we have to deal with a big animal out for a stroll, is always going to be a black bear over a striped tiger. At least the bear could be distracted by an open dumpster.


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