Winter isn't leaving us quite yet. But during a week when temperatures could hit record lows, WROK is giving you the opportunity to get happy!

All week long, we're qualifying listeners for the chance to win a Happy Light Energy Lamp from the Home Environment Center. It's designed to improve your mood and energy and to help ease the winter blues. Everyone who qualifies will pick up a gift certificate for a Flotation Massage from The Home Environment Center.

To qualify, tune in to "Riley & Scot" weekday mornings between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. Twice during the show, we'll play a brief clip "Happy" song. When you hear it, be caller number six to win. For example, on Monday morning you would have heard short segments of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "Happy Together".

We'll choose the grand prize winner at random Friday morning during the show. Good luck!

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