Sporting events, fearing that fans who've paid top dollar to see their favorite team will grow bored and go home, like to fill every moment of downtime with something to keep the aforementioned fans riveted.

To be fair, some of the activities are fun to watch, especially the half-court shot contests at basketball games where fans have hit the shot and won $1 million, $500K, $250K, 50K, a new car, free tuition for a year, season tickets, and....

Don't get me wrong, even though I called it a lame prize, I really do like tater tots. I just think that might be too much of a good thing. Apparently, I'm not alone. A staff writer for Fox Sports is really not a fan of this giveaway:'d want to see someone get a worthy prize, right? Some colleges have offered free tuition for making the halfcourt shot. NBA teams have offered cars or a substantial amount of prize money. But how about what this Grizzlies fan won when he hit the halfcourt shot during last night's Memphis-Cleveland game?

Tater tots? Are you kidding me. Even if there were a strict law that said only potato-based products are allowed to be given away as prizes, tater tots would still be, like, the seventh-best prize for a halfcourt shot.
Sweet potato fries, waffle fries, hashbrowns, german potatoes, baked potatoes with some kind of cheese on them, that weird sweet potato/marshmallow mix your aunt makes at Thanksgiving that sounds like it shouldn't work but is actually delicious: They're all better than tater tots. Objectively. This isn't opinion. It's just postulate.
If you came up to me on the street and offered to give me free tater tots for life, I might actually turn you down just because the burden of always thinking about how I could have a free second-class snack instead of whatever I was eating at the time would far outweight the benefit of getting free tater tots whenever I craved them every three months.
But enjoy your tots, man. No one else would.

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