If you have questions about libertarianism a good source for answers is David Boaz, who is the longtime Executive Vice President of the Cato Institute. Cato is regarded as the the most prominent libertarian think tank in the country and Boaz has worked there since 1981.

Boaz joined the show this week to discuss his new book, "The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom," which is a revised and updated version of his classic work, "Libertarianism: A Primer". Both versions try to answer the basic questions of what government should be involved in and what it should not be involved in.

We talked with David about why he believes a big libertarian moment is on the horizon. We asked if Republican primary voters will embrace the foreign policy vision of Se. Rand Paul, whether vaccines should be government-mandated, and what issues prompt spirited debate even inside libertarian circles.

Here's our full interview with David Boaz:

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