Cubs And White Sox Offer Season Ticket Holders 5% Interest
This is an interesting alternative to a straight refund.
The baseball season is officially a mess. No one knows when, where, or even if games will be played this season. As a fan that's frustrating. If you have invested in season tickets, there's an additional financial hit you're taking during "these trying times." (drink)
The Cubs and White Sox are among a handful of teams offering an option other than just a straight refund.
Instead of getting your money back, season ticket holders and use that cash, plus 5% interest, towards season tickets for the 2021 season.
Pretty decent deal if you don't need the cash right now. Considering Cub season tickets can cost up to $14K, that's a free $700 just for letting them hold on to your money.
I'm sure they'd trade it all and more to have baseball back ASAP but it's a nice silver lining.
When is baseball coming back? Let's talk to an expert.
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