Bone-Covered Car in Illinois Will Stop You Dead In Your Tracks
Someone either loves death or really loves Halloween.
It was a normal afternoon on Tuesday when a coworker and I were headed to downtown Rockford for some tacos. I don't really want to tell you where we went for said tacos because I don't want it to be too busy when we get there each week.
Fine, I'll tell you only because these tacos are a game-changer. It's Javi's Tacos.
So, back to being caught off-guard.
We finish lunch and head back to the office and, boom, there it is. A car we dubbed, "death car."
This car deserves an award not only for the owner's decorating skills but also for being able to keep the decor on the vehicle while it's moving.
That's only the front of the already-sharp-looking car. The rear of the vehicle was what caught my eye to the point of I had to swing around and get a view of the front.
Before the big review of the rear, I want to know who this car belongs to. If you know the owner please have them reach out because I have so many questions.
This might be the perfect Halloween decoration for a car. It's not over the not but definitely not boring. It is the perfect amount of creepy, just in time for Halloween.
If you have a vehicle decorated for Halloween, or spot one, send us a message on our app.

If actually spooky ghost tours are your thing, here are 10 in Illinois waiting for you to experience.
... and these Halloween costumes totally yell, 'I'M FROM ILLINOIS!'
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