Beloit Passes New Vaping Ordinance
With health concerns about vaping being top-of-mind in Wisconsin (and the rest of the nation), the City of Beloit passed a vaping ordinance Tuesday night to limit the use of the product.
The ordinance prohibits the using of e-cigarette and vaping devices in the same areas where smoking cigarettes and cigars are banned. It also prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.
Minors also cannot be in possession of a vaping device. The forfeiture for a minor in possession of an e-cigarette device is $50 plus court costs. The fine for all other violations is $100 plus court costs.
The city ordinance goes into effect next Wednesday.
“The City is concerned about the health impacts of vaping on our youth who are unaware of the risks associated with the use of e-cigarettes,” said City Manager Lori Curtis Luther. “This ordinance sends a clear message to our youth that these devices are not safe. We’re hoping this ordinance change will lead to proactive prevention so the city does not have to take enforcement action against those selling these devices to minors or to minors in possession of these devices.”
Recently, The Wisconsin Department of Health Services confirmed 32 cases of lung disease connected to vaping and the City of Milwaukee Health Department has been warning about the impacts of e-cigarettes with 16 individuals being hospitalized with chemical pneumonia due to vaping.
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