A Modest Proposal To Fix The Cubs-White Sox Series
The Cubs released their 2019 schedule yesterday and when I saw that they were highlighting the Crosstown Cup I asked myself, "does anyone really care anymore?"
When interleague play began the crosstown series was a BIG deal. That was (checks internet) 21 YEARS AGO!!! I had no idea that interleague play could legally drink this year.
It has since lost its luster. It might have something to do with the fact that the Cubs and White Sox are in different places competitively right now, but honestly, it seems that people just don't care anymore.
I like the fact that they have pared it down to 4 games, 2 at each park. The 6 game series was too much (they're playing 6 this year because the NL and AL Central were paired up this year, that's a whole other story.) They still spread it out to 2 games in June and 2 games in July. They're during the week and most people don't even notice.
Here's where my proposal comes in. They should play the 4 game series over one weekend in Chicago with a two-park doubleheader on Saturday. Here's how I would play it.
- Friday - Day game at Wrigley
- Saturday - Day game at Guaranteed Rate
- Saturday - Night game at Wrigley
- Sunday - Late afternoon game at Guaranteed Rate
The city would be electric on Saturday. The red line would be an absolute zoo in between games. You could even tie in a public relations stunt where the players take the train north to Wrigley. Most importantly it would be different. I'm pretty sure that there has never been a two-park doubleheader before.
Will this plan ever be implemented? Chances are very very slim to none but it sure is fun to think about.