20 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’ve Ever Lived in Rockford
Let's put together the definitive list of things only Rockfordians understand. No matter how long you've lived in the Screw City, this only makes sense to you.
20 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’ve Ever Lived in Rockford
20 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’ve Ever Lived in Rockford
- We eat beefaroo fries with a fork. No further questions.
- Uncle Nick's at 2am is always a good idea. White sauce and all.
- The orange symbol is just our thing. You don't need to know what it means.
- Sock monkeys are everywhere.
- What and when 815 day is.
- We all know the phone number to New Milford Refrigeration by heart. 398-COLD
- We stay far away from 7th Street after dark, unless you're looking to pick up a hooker, or you are one.
- Wet Wednesday doesn't mean there's rain in the forecast.
- Why we dress like peaches for Halloween. No not the fruit, the baseball team.
- We know every Cheap Trick song by heart and have seen them in concert several times.
- When we say "Swedes" we're referring to the hospital, not Swedish people.
- No matter what, the BMO Harris Bank Center will always be the Metro Center.
- We only Stroll on State once a year. If we can even make it through the crowds that is.
- Our baseball team is the Expos. Wait no it's the Aviators. Or is it the Riverhawks? Just kidding it's the Rivets.
- Go Rockford isn't a cheer. It's actually an awesome website where you can find out all the local happenings.
- You went to watch a band play and hit the dance floor with Verne.
- Nothing quite like a great afternoon hanging out at Pee Island.
- Your house had some 'really neat schtuff' in it.
- 'Round here, we race school buses and trailers.
- Don't be a Hillrod.
What is this list missing? Feel free to add to this list in the comment section below.
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