If you're a Cubs fan and live in the state line area you may have experienced the frustration of not being able to find the game on TV. 

This is a problem that plagues us because we live too far away from Chicago to get some games in any cable or satellite programming.  Alright, so maybe you want to just buy the MLB package of the MLB At Bat app. You again will be out of luck because Major Leage Baseball deems Rockford to be in the "Chicago" market and will black you out of any Cub games. (Side note: The MLB At Bat app is a tremendous value at 15 dollars if you want to follow any other teams in the league)

The solution is old school with a new twist. Rabbit ears. You can pick up the ~30 games a year on your television set by going out and buying an HD antenna. I can personally vouch for the clarity of the picture. You may need to adjust the antennas a bit but that will surely fill you with some wonderful nostalgia.

Don't feel bad if you didn't know this. My morning co-host and guy who seems to know everything Riley O'Neil had no idea this existed and now he owes me every time he watches a game he used to just follow along with on Twitter. This already feels like a special year and you don't want to miss an inning.

For full details on where to catch every game in every market click here for more in depth information.

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