Turns Out All Area Gordman’s Will Close After All
After weeks of speculation about the franchise's future in town, the death blow has been delivered. Three weeks ago we learned that the clothing store had filed bankruptcy and reports were that they would be closing all stores.
Then we found out that there was a possible 11th hour reprieve with a new investor swooping in to keep some stores open. This intrepid blogger even speculated that;
With two stores in the area I’d say that there’s a decent chance of one of them remaining open
(This is where I was going to insert the "What An Idiot" gif of Will Ferrell from Wedding Crashers but apparently we don't have any rights to use it. Please use your imagination.)
Moving on..
All those hopes quickly came crashing down today with the complete list of stores that will close. The whole saga really mirrors those of the great Greek tragedies.
Condolences to those who will miss the clothing chain. If you really need a Gordman's fix you can road trip it to the Quad Cities who will still have 2(!) stores open or plan your own adventure with this list of stores to remain open.
Farewell Gordman's. We hardly knew ye.