Things You May Not Know About Illinois
When I'm looking for information about what's going on here in the state of Illinois, one of my favorite sites to visit is Reboot Illinois. The site is loaded with all kinds of information, including news, politics, money, opinion, and some great lists.
One of their lists that got my attention was a piece called "BETCHA DIDN’T KNOW THESE 30 ILLINOIS FUN FACTS!
Having lived here my entire life, I took a look at the list thinking to myself, "I bet I do know those facts!" I was also thinking "And, they better be fun facts."
To be honest...I didn't know all of the "fun" facts. A few, but not all. Here's a few things about our state that I didn't know, courtesy of Madison Bondi at Reboot Illinois:
- Each Illinois farmer feeds 156 people (University of Illinois Extension)
- With 12,500 acres harvested for processing, Illinois provides 75% of the nation's pumpkins (USDA)
- In 1926, famed aviator Charles Lindbergh crashed not one, but two airplanes in Illinois
- The Shedd Aquarium is home to the oldest living fish in any aquarium or zoo on the planet. "Old Grandad" is an Australian lungfish that arrived at the Shedd during the 1933 World's Fair
- The world's first farm silo was constructed in Spring Grove, Illinois
- In Galesburg, "fancy bike riding" is illegal on any city street
- The first U.S. blood bank was established at Cook County Hospital in 1937
- The legendary Wild Bill Hickok was born in Troy Grove, Illinois
- The oldest community in Illinois is....Peoria
- Illinois generates more nuclear power than any other state. 10% of U.S. national nuclear power generation comes from Illinois.
- Blossom, a six foot, four inch tall cow from Orangeville, has been designated as the World's Tallest Cow by the Guinness Book of World Records.
That's about enough learning for a Friday.
I've got to look for an alternate site for my "fancy bike riding" party that was planned for Galesburg this weekend, anyway.