The Most Popular (and Weird) Thing Illinoisans Buy at Walmart
For some, Walmart can be a weird and wonderful place.
It has its ups and downs but Walmart is the kind of place where you can most likely find just about anything you need.
If you want to save a few bucks on groceries, you shop at Walmart. If you don't have time to run in, use Walmart Pickup, which in my estimation was a game-changer the minute the pandemic hit Illinois.
Speaking of, the past 18 months or so of us just kind of hanging around not doing a whole lot might explain why this strange item is the most popular thing Illinois folks have been buying.
The company recently analyzed Walmart.com orders and found certain products were much more popular than others. From the mundane to the super-specific, here's the most surprising top-selling item in each state.
While cake mix, toasters, and diapers are the top seller in some states, Illinois' was truly mind-boggling, then I realized "Hey, we got one of those in our house too! Maybe it's not so weird?"
The most popular and bizarre item Illinoisans are purchasing from Walmart is a puzzle stow-and-go.
Listed on Walmart.com for $9.97, the Ravensburger Stow & Go Puzzle Storage System production description says "This system brings portability to puzzle making by giving you a way to securely store and transport unfinished puzzles. Instead of leaving your in-progress puzzle out, you can use this handy kit to keep already finished sections together and in place."
I had no idea these things existed until we all started sitting at home day after day and night after night in 2020. Boredom caused my family to buy a couple of 1,000 piece puzzles, and since we knew there was no way we'd actually finish one in just one sitting we bought a puzzle roll-up thingy.
I've always considered my bunch just your typical American family, so it makes sense to me that a stow-and-go puzzle storage system would be Illinois' most popular Walmart purchase.