Rockford has hosted hundreds and hundreds of Easter egg hunts over the years, from "The Undertaker" and his world-record setting amount of Easter eggs a few years ago, to church egg hunts, and the traditional backyard egg hunts. Occasionally, those egg-gathering parties have had to deal with Mother Nature--but usually in the form of rain.
It's been a long time since I've seen this many Rockfordians yawning incessantly. I mean, being part of a morning radio show where most of us get up at 3am, I see (and take part in) my fair share of yawning, but when you add in some late, late night playoff excitement, you've got a fan base that's happily dragging itself along this week.
As a kid, I dreaded the first day of September. Even though my birthday comes at the end of the month, I never looked ahead to that, I was too busy lamenting the end of summer and the beginning of school. My dad felt differently.
As we've pointed out in this space before, it's been a tough summer for blood donations at the Rock River Valley Blood Center (RRVBC). With Labor Day weekend almost upon us, the RRVBC is once again calling for some help.
Scot and I spent some time this morning talking with Janine Idstein and Rochelle Keener of the Rock River Valley Chapter of the Veterans Network Committee. The topic was Honor Flights for veterans.
For those who may be unaware, The Honor Flight Network is an outstanding national organization that flies veterans to Washington D...