
Illinois is the #1 State (unfortunately, it's for high taxes)
Illinois is the #1 State (unfortunately, it's for high taxes)
Illinois is the #1 State (unfortunately, it's for high taxes)
After posting yesterday's report on Illinois' patriotism ("Study Ranks Illinois Near the Bottom of Patriotic States"), I was hoping the news release on my desk this morning that read "Illinois Hits the Top!" was some much-needed good news about our state. It wasn't.
Don't Look For a Quick Tax Refund From Illinois
Don't Look For a Quick Tax Refund From Illinois
Don't Look For a Quick Tax Refund From Illinois
If you were planning to quickly file your tax returns this year in the hopes of getting an big refund check from the state of Illinois, you might want to start making other financial plans. The Illinois Department of Revenue says taxpayers will have to wait until after March 1 to receive income tax refunds...

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