I am the son of a postal worker who delivered mail in the Missouri and Illinois area for the better part of 30 years. That makes me an unofficial expert of sorts about what you can and can't mail. There are 10 very specific types of things you can't mail in Illinois no matter what.
It's a list that we don't want to be included on, but one Minnesota city is now on the list of cities with the most dog attacks on postal service employees.
My dad worked for the United States Postal Service in Missouri for more than 30 years. I mention this because I take instructions from the postal service seriously. Know that the USPS is insisting that Missouri residents check their mailboxes right now.
There is a very good reason why the United States Postal Service needs you to check your mailbox. It's not a life or death situation, but it's close. Seriously, if you live in Illinois, check your mailbox as soon as you can.
If you live in Wisconsin, your mailbox needs some attention right now. That's the word from the United States Postal Service that just shared a bulletin about the urgency of this matter.
This is not a realistic option for everyone, but authorities have issued an urgent warning to Illinois residents to stop mailing checks or to potentially suffer dire consequences.