If you didn't have a fear of sinkholes before, wait until you see what this woman found when she went to her car in a Lincoln Park neighborhood in Illinois.
Do not judge this Lincoln, IL home by its exterior, it might be of the most beautiful homes you will ever see that is substantially less than a million dollars.
If you've been wondering what it would take to get a statue of yourself put on display in our state's capital city of Springfield, you might want to get started by saving 77 people from drowning in the Rock River. Oh, and then get elected president.
Either things are going so well in Lincoln, Nebraska that a boneless chicken wing dispute is the most pressing bit of business in town, or this guy just got tired of only talking about COVID-19.
A president’s death, the Great Chicago Fire and the deadliest tornado in American history top the list of Illinois’ most heartbreaking moments, as chosen by voters participating in the Illinois Top 200 project.
As part of the Illinois bicentennial celebration, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield is highlighting four Presidents with an Illinois pedigree.