
Can You Legally Fly a Drone Near the Gateway Arch in Missouri?
Can You Legally Fly a Drone Near the Gateway Arch in Missouri?
Can You Legally Fly a Drone Near the Gateway Arch in Missouri?
Laws are having to evolve with fast-developing technology. Don't believe me? Did you know that there are now laws about where you can and cannot fly a drone and that includes specific rules involving the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. It is possible, but the exceptions are rare.
Can You Legally Use a Drone to Hunt Wildlife in Missouri?
Can You Legally Use a Drone to Hunt Wildlife in Missouri?
Can You Legally Use a Drone to Hunt Wildlife in Missouri?
This is they time of year when it's more common than not to see people wearing camo in Missouri. Hunting season is upon us and this year it involves a question thanks to new technology. Can you legally use a drone to hunt wildlife in Missouri? The answer is more complicated than you probably think.
Another Day, Another Use for a Drone
Another Day, Another Use for a Drone
Another Day, Another Use for a Drone
Yesterday in this space, I shared a video of a guy named Farmer Derek, who decided it might be fun to use his drone to do a little fishing in his farm pond (click here to see what happened). Today, a new drone, and a new use.
Think Fishing is Boring? Use a Drone!
Think Fishing is Boring? Use a Drone!
Think Fishing is Boring? Use a Drone!
In the interests of full disclosure, I have been fishing a total of 3 times. Once, when I was a kid, I badgered my dad into taking me out fishing. We caught, together, a grand total of zero fish, but at least it rained all day, and we got a flat tire coming home.
It’s Just Not Christmas Without Star Wars
It’s Just Not Christmas Without Star Wars
It’s Just Not Christmas Without Star Wars
Warning: the image above does not contain any Star Wars references. Younger and more sensitive viewers may find this disturbing. In case you were unaware, the latest Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens," opens this Friday. I've got no problem admitting to being a fan, and that I'm really looking forward to seeing it...

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