Should Pumpkin Pie Be Illinois’ Official State Pie?
I love a good pumpkin pie, though you could make the argument it's the combination of pumpkin and Cool Whip/whipped cream that makes it really special. Sometimes on my plate it's hard to see the pie at all through the creamy dairy topping.
But should pumpkin pie become the official state pie of Illinois? It's an issue that is being debated in Springfield. No, seriously, it is:
An Illinois House committee approved legislation just before they ate homemade pumpkin pie. It now will receive a second reading in the Legislature.
State Rep. Keith Sommer, a Morton Republican, is sponsoring the proposal. He says it's a tribute to how much pumpkin Illinois produces.
The Chicago Tribune reports that Illinois produces about 85 percent of consumed pumpkin in the United States. I had no idea it was anywhere near that amount.
So how about it? Should pumpkin pie be the official pie of Illinois? Or would you prefer apple pie? Is there anything called a Tofu Pie? Because I know we also grow a lot of soybeans in this state.