Because of the fear of potential lawsuits, Rockford Public School District 205 has banned the best part of an end-of-the-year party.

It's sad when elementary school students lose on out something they worked hard for, especially for a reason like this. Some parents from the school say it's because we're living in a sue-happy America where people are just itching at suing for whatever money they can get.

Boy Playing On Obstacle Course
Robert Byron|Thinkstock

Students at Froberg Elementary were promised an end-of-the-year party for all their hard work this year, a party which included an inflatable bounce house. That all changed this week even after messages were sent to parents mentioning the "fun family event" including the exciting bounce house. Here's a statement from RPS 205 courtesy of Eyewitness News,

Based on a recent recommendation from the district's legal department and insurance carrier, Rockford Public Schools is no longer able to approve the use of inflatable devices on school grounds or at school events. Our students' safety is always a top priority.

Obviously the news is disappointing not only for the parents that have to be the bearer of bad news, but also the children that don't understand why. Eyewitness News reports the PTO offered up a one-day insurance plan in the event that someone gets hurt but, ultimately, were told no.

Yes, jumping in an inflatable bounce house could lead to an accident but so could a field day like the one that took place today. As long as the inflatable bounce house is supervised by an adult or two I don't see a problem, Being a parent of young children if they twisted an ankle or tweaked a knee I would assume responsibility. Unfortunately there are others that see money attached to a lawsuit, and that stinks.

How long will it be before recess is gone because of the risks or waivers have to be signed before kids can play on playgrounds?


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