RACVB Announces “Rockford Region Restaurant Week”
I wanted to give you a heads-up on this a little ahead of time so you can make your plans accordingly to help out your favorite Rockford area restaurants as they continue to battle for survival.
Our friend Andrea, from the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (RACVB), joins the WROK Morning Show every Wednesday morning at 8:35, and this morning she filled us in on a really cool "To-Go" themed promotion, starting on Monday, January 18th, and running through Sunday, January 24th, all aimed at helping our struggling Rockford area eateries.
Given the current rules and restrictions, the Rockford Region Restaurant Week has to go with the "To-Go" angle because...well, where are you going to dine-in?
Before you point out that you've been doing your best to help out local restaurants during this entire pandemic, I should add that Rockford Region Restaurant Week will feature participating restaurants putting together their most fun and creative carry-out dining packages, all for this week-long event. That should be fun for everyone, especially the restauranteurs who haven't been able to really do a lot of creative stuff lately for items being placed in a to-go container and loaded into a carry bag.
Participating businesses will be compliant with the state of Illinois and Winnebago County Health Departments’ mitigation efforts and will be encouraged to take RACVB’s Clean Hands, Open Doors Pledge.
We don't have the full list of participating restaurants, bars, bakeries, and cafes that will be on-board for this event yet, but the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau plans on announcing further details on the To-Go themed Rockford Region Restaurant Week tomorrow.
Click here to be taken to GoRockford.com and more information on what promises to be not only really cool, but hopefully very helpful to some of the Rockford Region's best and most resilient dining spots.
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