Illinois Policy CEO John Tillman joined the show this week to discuss possible "Right To Work" legislation in Illinois. While Governor Rauner has stated he's not interested in pushing for statewide legislation, he has been promoting the idea of launching "Worker Empowerment Zones," which he explained like this:

Rauner envisions these "zones" to be set up in economically depressed areas sanctioned by the state where local officials could decide whether union participation and fees would be voluntary for local workers.

The new Republican governor clarified he wasn't pushing for a statewide law like GOP-backed statutes opposed by Democrats in other state, but he insisted some communities in union-friendly Illinois could benefit from the flexibility to attract new businesses.

Research from Illinois Policy shows states with "Right To Work" laws have higher employment growth, higher GDP and higher wage growth than states without them, such as Illinois.

Here's our full interview with John Tillman:

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